Garlic 101 – A Guide to Garlic | Dragon Breath Near Me

What You Didn’t Know About Garlic

Did you know there are several varieties of garlic? Or are you interested in trying different types of garlic but don’t know where to start? Each variety of garlic has its own set of advantages and tastes. Continue reading to learn more about the various types of garlic available by searching dragon breath near me and how to choose the best garlic for you.

Hardneck garlic vs. Softneck garlic

Dragon Breath Near Me - Hardneck Garlic The “neck” refers to the stalk that grows from the garlic bulb. Hardneck garlic has a stalk that grows through the middle of the bulb and becomes hard with time. Instead of a stalk, softneck garlic has leaves that remain soft and flexible. Overall, hardneck garlic has more variety of flavors. Softneck garlic has a shelf life of 9 to 12 months, while hardneck garlic only lasts for up to 5-6 months.

Elephant Garlic 

Resembling hardneck garlic, elephant garlic is part of the leek family. This variety of garlic has a very delicious mild flavor. These bulbs are large and can weigh up to 1 pound each. 

German White 

German White garlic is described as porcelain garlic with a bold flavoring. This type of hardneck garlic offers an intense flavor with a bit of heat, but not too hot, to have a strong robust flavor. These plants are fairly large, averaging 4 to 6 very large cloves

Spanish Roja

Do you like spicy foods? If you do, then Spanish Roja garlic is for you. This variety of hardneck garlic is popular among chefs due to its strong, hot, and spicy flavor.

Aglio Rosso di Sulmona

Would you like to know what variety of garlic is voted the best in the world? The answer to that question is Aglio Rosso di Sulmona! This variety of hardneck garlic is known to be the secret ingredient in authentic Italian cooking. It is known for its delicate taste without any hint of bitterness.

Chesnok Red

Dragon Breath Near Me - Red GarlicChesnok Red garlic is very sweet with a medium heat flavoring and a mellow aftertaste. Chesnok Red’s flavor is the best when roasted. This variety of garlic is known as an attractive variety due to its purple striping.

German Red Garlic Seed

German Red Garlic Seed is a strong, spicy, and robust hardneck garlic. It has large and easy-to-peel cloves that set the standard for true garlic flavor. German Red Garlic is great for salsa.

Italian Red

The flavor of Italian Red garlic is described as rich and complex with a bit of heat. Due to its high sugar content, Italian red garlic caramelizes well. The bulbs are large with purple, brown, and red colors.

Metechi Garlic Seed

This type of hardneck garlic is described as great bulbs of fire. Metechi garlic has a powerful garlic flavor. The aftertaste is warm and pleasing with a lasting spice. When raw, the taste is fiery hot. 


If you like a more traditional garlic flavor, music garlic is perfect for you. It has a rich and robust flavor with a medium kick. Music garlic is one of the best-known varieties. 

Russian Red

Russian Red garlic is described to have a hot, intense flavor with a warm yet sweet aftertaste. The flavor is long-lasting like a hot pepper. This variety has big bulbs with slightly purple skin. Russian Red is characterized as one of the most flavorful garlic. 

Variety packs 

Would you like to try multiple varieties of hardneck garlic? Well, some Northeast Ohio garlic farms offer a variety pack that allows you to try up to four different varieties. For more information about variety packs, search dragon breath near me.

Buying quality garlic | Dragon Breath Near Me

Dragon Breath Near Me - Garlic in a BowlWould you like to try different varieties of garlic? Garlic farmers offer all of these varieties of garlic plus more. They also offer garlic scapes, garlic scape powder, multiple flavors of garlic powders, wild ramps, and wild ramp powder. Garlic experts use sustainable farming techniques and never use pesticides or herbicides. Each bulb is individually planted by hand in late October and carefully tended to till harvest in late June and early July. When it is time to harvest, every bulb is individually hand-picked from the soil, inspected for quality, and hung in a drying bar until cured. Lastly, each bulb is cleaned, examined, and prepared for your table.

Their environment-friendly techniques and attentiveness result in gourmet garlic that retains all of its natural health benefits and unforgettable flavor. To get the highest grade of garlic from dragon breath near me, contact a local garlic farm today.